Finigan School of Distance Education

Telephone02 6210 5200

Library Links


  • ebooks and Audiobooks - An alternative way to access eBooks and Audiobooks through the Wheelers digital platform.

  • This is a link to a wonderful picture book called Swoosh, Glide and Rule Number 5. It has been created by the 'eSafety's Commissioner' to reinforce the four key online safety messages for young children: Be safe, Be kind, Ask for help and Make good choices.


  • ebooks and Audiobooks - An alternative way to access eBooks and Audiobooks through the Wheelers digital platform.

General reference websites for a variety of subjects

The Conversation

Arts and Culture

Khan Academy


Music Collection

Online Textbooks



Basic referenced text of terms and movements

Art Encylopaedia

National Gallery Virtual Tours

Eyre Evoultion Virtual Tours

Met Museum

All the world’s a stage.  Take a tour of the globe theatre 

Globe Theatre

Discover all you want to know about poetry

Google Trips

Literary Terms

Discovering Literature

Discovering Literature; A British library website taking you through 1200 of literary history and achievement


All the latest articles on the Ancient World from the Smithsonian Institute 

Smithsonian Institute 

Virtual tours of four of the most famous historical sites

Stonehenge Virtual Tour

Experience history from a fist person point of view. 

Australian War Memorial

Open source academic publication on every topic

History Skills 

Australian Museum