Finigan School of Distance Education

Telephone02 6210 5200


At Finigan School of Distance Education students have access to a physical and digital collection. The library can be visited by students when on site or we can post books to you. We have an extensive collection of books for loan to both our primary and secondary students.

Students also have access to a range of eBooks and Audiobooks through the library catalogue, Oliver. They access Oliver via the DET student portal, using the My School Library function. The department of Educaton provides students with a student portal interface to access the most important features to help their online learning.

The Finigan School of Distance Education library encourages reading for pleasure by providing resources that meet the needs and interests of the students. There are opportunities for students to suggest books they wish to read.


Premiers Reading Challenge

We encourage all students from kindergarten to year 10 to participate in the Premiers Reading Challenge each year. The library catalogue system identfies the books recommended for each age group.